Climate Finance Toolkit | Advocating for Rights-Based Climate Investment Plans in Developing Nations

Climate Finance Toolkit | Advocating for Rights-Based Climate Investment Plans in Developing Nations


A substantial increase in financing is urgently needed to meet climate goals in developing countries. Both climate change itself and the policies implemented to mitigate its impact have significant human rights implications, as highlighted in the Paris Agreement. Natural disasters and extreme weather events can lead to loss of livelihoods, displacement, and illness, all affecting human rights. The governance and distribution of climate finance, and the methods used for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, also impact human rights. For instance, constructing large-scale hydroelectric dams may force communities into displacement, threatening their means of subsistence.

A just transition must promote sustainable and equitable, low-carbon development by centring and protecting human rights through appropriate financing. Unfortunately, current climate finance practices often fail to safeguard these rights. Profit-driven corporate agendas are not aligned with human rights, which are frequently undermined by a lack of enforcement and genuine consequences.

Who is this climate finance toolkit for?

This climate finance toolkit is designed primarily for climate justice campaigners in civil society organisations and trade unions. It is also a valuable resource for parliamentarians, community-based organisations, and state actors.

How to use the climate finance toolkit

This toolkit serves as both a knowledge builder and a guide for advocacy campaigns around climate finance. Many aspects of the climate finance architecture require reform to enable a just transition to a low-carbon economy. Achieving justice in this landscape may necessitate an overhaul of the entire economic system. Within this context, the toolkit identifies manageable intervention points for workers and civil society to advocate and campaign for.

Call to action

Equip yourself and others with this toolkit to advocate for rights-based climate investment plans, ensuring a just transition to a low-carbon economy.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Climate Ambition to Accountability Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

© 2024 Climate Ambition to Accountability Project. All rights reserved.
Licensed to the European Union under conditions.

This toolkit was also made possible with the support of the New Economy Hub, an initiative of the African Climate Foundation.