Joint Submission on the draft South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM)

The South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM) is one of 14 industry-specific
masterplans which form part of a national process led by the Department of Trade, Industry and
Competition (DTIC) to inform an industrial strategy. COSATU has actively participated in the
debates and negotiations involved across the sector masterplans and acknowledges the efforts
to finalise the SAREM after almost 3 years of development.

The ongoing process to establish the SAREM is an opportunity to transform existing industrial
policy to ensure maximum benefit in the process of realising a just energy transition. This
document provides reflective comment on the Masterplan and offers key recommendations
which advance employment creation and decent work in support of the labour movement.
COSATU has engaged consistently with the SAREM process with the support of the IEJ since
its inception and has provided comments and reflections to the initial inception report (prepared
by Green Cape NPC), affiliate participation in working groups, and through the executive
oversight committee.

Over the various iterations of the Masterplan, there have been several areas where proposed
recommendations have been incorporated into the plan, particularly the inclusion of Employee
Ownership Schemes, Technology Transfer Systems, consideration of recycling, and mention of
decent work opportunities.

This submission discusses the most recent SAREM draft, made public for comment, and offers
final recommendations to the coordinating committee, consistent with COSATU and the IEJ’s
inputs throughout the SAREM development process.