Defining a New Economics: What Role for Human Rights

The Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ), Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) and SECTION27 have partnered in organising this webinar – Defining a new economics: What role for human rights?

As the response to the COVID-19 pandemic is showing us, economic policies have a profound impact on the realisation of rights. Yet the economics discipline continues to present itself as “value-neutral” and often fails to properly consider the implications of particular policies on people’s rights. Similarly, while human rights advocates have engaged deeply on the implementation of particular socio-economics rights, the role of rights in shaping the fundamental structure of our economies is often less considered.

This is a much needed and urgent discussion with panelists: Professor Sandy Liebenberg (Stellenbosch University) Professor Pundy Pillay (Wits University) Dr Basani Baloyi (OXFAM South Africa) Advocate Jason Brickhill (Oxford University)


Nov 09 2020


04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
