Dr Gilad Isaacs

Executive Director and co-Founder

Gilad Isaacs

Dr Gilad Isaacs is the Executive Director at the IEJ. He is also an economist at Wits University, where he coordinates the National Minimum Wage Research Initiative, and lectures. Gilad has a Ph.D. and Masters in Economics from SOAS University of London, and a Masters in Political Economy from New York University. He has worked as a consultant for the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO) and Global Labour University. He has a background in civil society activism working for the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and founding the Social Justice Coalition (SJC). His research expertise are in financialisation, macroeconomics, and labour markets.

Gilad has recently also been appointed as an advisory council member of the T20 Brazil – one of the official engagement bodies of the 2024 G20 Summit to be held in Brazil. The T20 is an assembly of think tanks and research centres which aims to inform G20 policy processes. Gilad has also recently been appointed, through the Department for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, to government’s Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) Reference Group.

Email: gilad.isaacs@iej.org.za