
The South African economy has faced a slowdown since the end of the metals boom in 2011.

Climate Jobs Policy Brief Summary

The private financial sector can rarely finance developmentally important sectors on its own and publicly owned development finance institutions (DFIs) continue to fill these gaps in both industrialised and developing economies.

Low-Carbon Manufacturing

Manufacturing is particularly important to the economy as it has economic multipliers from value addition but 29% of South Africa’s exports are carbon embedded.

Low-Carbon Electricity Transition

South Africa is a coal-dependent economy and the contribution of coal as the primary feedstock to electricity generation – currently at close to 90%

Mining for a Low-Carbon Economy

Coal is under pressure in ways that over time will impact negatively on South Africa’s coal mining value chain and coal exports.

Financial Sector

The South African financial sector has seen significant expansion over the last two decades and finance has come to play a more important role in the economy and the lives of South Africans.

Supermarket chains in Intra-regional Trade

This policy brief highlights the role that South African businesses can play in developing the capabilities of farmers, agro-processors and light manufacturers in southern Africa